HP OSI Transport Services/9000 HP OSI Transport Services/900 Technical Data (OTS/9000) networking softwar provides the Transport, Sessi Presentation, and ACSE layers Product Numbers the OSI reference model. OTS/ 32069A, J2160A, 32070A also provides OSI network lay services over the X.25/9000 o LAN/9000 Link. These layers supply the necessary foundati to run OSI services, such as FTAM, X.500 and X.400. These OSI products operate in both a local area and wide ar network environment. By supporting international standards specified by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Commit (CCITT), HP's OSI products wi operate in a multivendor environment. HP's OSI product conform to the OSI standards shown in Figure 1. Features Features include: * Support of a broad range of GOSIPs worldwide (see Figure for supported profiles) * First OSI stack placed on t US GOSIP register of conforma systems * Support of the OSI and TCP/ protocols simultaneously, ove the same interface card * Support of the ES-IS protoc * Ability to act as an Active Transport Layer Relay (MSDSG) * Complete OSI node administration through the to Osiadmin; conf ation data can also be access through ASCII files * Application interface to th ISO Session layer * APRI, an application interf to the ISO ACSE, Presentation and ROSE layers, based on emerging standard interface * XTI, the X/Open standard application interface to the Transport layer ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Interface OTS/9000 includes APRI which provides a programmatic interface (API) in C. This interface is based on the UNIXù International OSI ACSE/Presentation Library specification, Version 1.0.0 dated October, 1990. The emerging X/Open interface at these layers is derived from this specification, but was not finalized at the time of product release. Through this interface, you can establish associations (connections) with another application process, send and receive data, and release or abort associations. This API also allows users to negotiate the association release. The ROSE services may be used in conjunction with the ACSE/Presentation services to perform ROSE request/reply operations. Session Interface OTS/9000 includes an application programmatic interface to the ISO Session layer. This API is a library of function calls providing developers open access to session services and the ability to develop applications with session layer peer-to-peer communication. The session API provides connection management for connection establishment, orderly release and aborts, and data transfer management for the exchange of normal and expedited data. This API also provides access to other session services such as token management, session synchronization, activity management, capability data, and exception reporting. X/Open Transport Interface OTS/9000 also includes XTI, an API offering open access to the connection oriented transport services. HP's XTI has been developed specifically for OSI and complies with a subset of the X/Open Portability Guide, Version 3 (XPG3). XTI is implemented as a C library and enables processes on the same or different computers to communicate through the use of programmatic calls. Coexistence The X.25/9000 and LAN/9000 link products provide simultaneous support for both TCP/IP and OSI standards. Training Optional PC-compatible Computer-Based-Training covering installation, configuration, verification, and troubleshooting is offered with OTS/9000. The course contains general OSI information including network administration, system administration, network architecture and addressing considerations, OTS/9000 specific capabilities, and a complete example of configuring an OSI network. The course also introduces the student to support tools such as osidiag and tracing/logging as well as APIs such as XTI, Session, and APRI. Functional Description OSI ROSE and ACSE Services Multi-System Distributed System Gateway (MSDSG) MSDSG addresses the issue of interworking between Connection Oriented (CONS) and Connectionless (CLNS) systems. The functionality is described in ISO Technical Report 10172 and is referred to as an Active Transport Layer Relay (ATLR). OTS/9000 provides the ATLR functionality, so that systems on CONS networks may communicate at the Transport layer and above with systems on CLNS networks, using the OTS/9000 node as a relay. OSI Network Layer The Network layer corresponds to layer 3 of the OSI Reference Model. Both the 1980 and 1984 X.25 addressing schemes are supported. 1984 NSAP addressing is supported over X.25 by taking advantage of the extended addressing facilities. Internet options include null subset, nonsegmenting subset, full subset accepting null subsets, and full subset (discarding other subsets). Product Requirements HP OSI products are customer installable. OTS/9000 includes the software and manuals necessary to install, configure, use, and troubleshoot the product. X.25/9000 and/or the LAN/9000 Link is required. Concurrent purchase of HP MMS/9000 (PN:32018A or 32019A), HP FTAM/9000 (PN:B1032A or B1033A), and/or HP X.400/9000 (PN:32031A or 32032A) is optional. If updating from OTS/9000 Version C.02.00 or earlier, the services, FTAM, X.400, and MMS must be updated as well. Processor * HP 9000 Series 300, 400, 700, or 800 computers which support either the X.25/9000 or LAN/9000 Link product, or both * HP-UX Operating System Version 8.0 8.02, or 8.07 * 16 MBytes of main memory for Series 800 and 700 computers, 12 MBytes of main memory for Series 300 and 400 computers * 30 MBytes of free disk space for Series 800 computers and 20 MBytes of free disk space for Series 300, 400, and 700 computers Software * HP OSI Transport Services/9000 Version C.03.00 for the Series 300 or 400 (P/N 32069A), or * HP OSI Transport Services/9000 Version C.03.00 for the Series 700 (P/N J2160A) * HP OSI Transport Services/9000 Version C.03.00 for the Series 800 (P/N 32070A) Documentation The following manuals are included with the product: * 32069-60001 OSI Planning and Troubleshooting Guide * 32069-60002 HP-UX/9000 XTI Programmer's Guide * 32069-60003 Installing and Administering OSI Transport Services * 32069-60004 Session Access Programmer's Guide * 32069-60005 ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Interface Programmer's Guide Ordering Information For the Series 300 or 400, order P/N 32069A. For the Series 700, order P/N J2160A. You must also order software options shown below. The other option is not required. Software Option UJ9 Software on DDS Other Option 0B0 Deletes Manuals For the Series 800, order PN 32070A. You must also order one of the software options and one of the processor options shown below. The other options are not required. Software Options AA0 Software on cartridge tape AA1 Software on 1600 bpi tape AAH Software on DDS AA4 Q1C (Quarter Inch Cartridge) Processor Options AH0 License to use on Tier 1 SPUs AEL License to use on Tier 2 SPUs AE5 License to use on Tier 3 SPUs AE6 License to use on Tier 4 SPUs AEN License to use on Tier 5 SPUs AEP License to use on Tier 6 SPUs AH1 License to use on Tier 7 SPUs Other Options OBO Deletes manuals 001 Computer Based Training(CBT) Processor Upgrades Return credit is given to customers upgrading within the Series 800 family. To order an upgrade, order P/N 32070A, selecting one of the software media options and one of the processor options (listed under Ordering Information), and one of the following return credit options: OGR S/W upgrade for Tier 1 SPUs OGE S/W upgrade for Tier 2 SPUs OC8 S/W upgrade for Tier 3 SPUs OGS S/W upgrade for Tier 4 SPUs OGT S/W upgrade for Tier 5 SPUs OGU S/W upgrade for Tier 6 SPUs For PICS information contact your local HP Sales office. Related Products In addition to HP OTS/9000, the following HP OSI products are offered: * HP X.400/9000 * HP FTAM/9000 * HP MMS/9000 UNIXú is a U.S. registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc. in the U.S.A. and in other countries.